Empowering believers and non believers for a brighter future.

Supporting Bible education.

At KNOW YOUR BIBLE, we believe in the transformative power of education—especially when it comes to the spiritual growth and empowerment of individuals. Supporting Bible education is not just about imparting knowledge; it's about nurturing faith, understanding, and community. Through our resources and programs, we strive to create an environment where learning the Bible becomes a journey of personal and communal discovery.

We invite you to join us in this mission. Your support enables us to develop and distribute materials that enlighten and inspire, to offer continuing education for teachers, and to extend a helping hand to communities seeking spiritual support. Together, we can empower believers and non-believers alike for a brighter future, grounded in the wisdom of the Scriptures.

Materials for Learning

At KNOW YOUR BIBLE, we believe in the transformative power of education and the pivotal role it plays in spiritual growth. Our carefully curated materials for learning are designed to empower believers and non-believers alike, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of biblical teachings.

From interactive study guides to enlightening podcasts and YouTube video, each resource is developed with the aim of supporting community learning and individual study. We understand that education is a journey, and our materials serve as a compass, guiding you through the rich landscapes of scripture and theology.

Embrace the opportunity to enhance your knowledge and support your spiritual journey with KNOW YOUR BIBLE's diverse range of educational materials. Together, we are building a foundation for a brighter future through the power of learning.

Continuing Education for Teachers

Dear Educators,

At KNOW YOUR BIBLE, we recognize the vital role you play in fostering spiritual growth and biblical understanding. Your commitment to teaching and guiding learners is the cornerstone of a thriving, knowledgeable community. We are here to support you in your journey of continuous learning and professional development.

Our resources are designed to empower you with deeper insights into the Scriptures, innovative teaching strategies, and the latest advancements in theological education. We encourage you to take advantage of these opportunities to enhance your expertise and further inspire your students.

Together, we can continue to build a future where Bible education is accessible, engaging, and transformative. Thank you for your dedication to spreading knowledge and understanding. Your efforts are shaping the spiritual lives of believers and non-believers alike, contributing to a brighter future for all.

Warm regards,


Support for Communities

Education happens within the context of a larger community. Our approach extends beyond the school to help ensure students have the necessary support to do their best learning.

Welcome to


Embark on a journey of spiritual enlightenment and empowerment with KNOW YOUR BIBLE. Our mission is to provide accessible Bible education and foster a supportive community for believers and seekers alike. Dive into our resources and join us in nurturing a future grounded in faith and learning.

“With the support from The African Network of Germany, we have been able to serve our students better than ever.”

— Sylvie Nantcha., CEO TANG Germany


Feel free to contact us with any questions.


(989) 615 0054